Final concrete pour on Cruise Berth wharf deck complete

Lyttelton Port is one step closer to welcoming the world’s largest cruise ships to Canterbury with the final wharf deck concrete pour completed on New Zealand’s first purpose-built cruise berth. Since late 2018, over 2500m3 of concrete has been placed to form the main wharf deck, ensuring the structure is ready to open in November. […]

Cruise Berth Piles Reach Halfway Point

Progress on LPC’s Cruise Berth has reached another milestone, with over half of the main wharf piles now successfully driven. LPC’s Engineering Project Manager Paul Kelly says 34 out of a total of 64 main wharf piles have now been driven to full depth at approximately 65m below ground level. When complete, a total of […]

Cruise Berth piling complete

Lyttelton Port is one step closer to welcoming the world’s largest cruise ships to Canterbury with all piling complete on New Zealand’s first purpose-built cruise berth. Since late 2018, 66 marine and 384 land-based piles totalling almost 10 kilometres have been driven in the project, ensuring the structure is ready to open in November and […]

Cruise Berth piling to be completed in March 2020

Piling work for New Zealand’s first purpose-built cruise berth is now on the home stretch, with all piling expected to be completed in March. LPC Infrastructure Manager Mike Simmers says after the Christmas break, contractors are back on site working to complete the berth, which is on track to be opened by November for the […]

Cruise Berth update: Main wharf piling complete

The construction of New Zealand’s first purpose-built cruise berth has reached a major milestone, with piling for the main wharf deck now complete. LPC Engineering Project Manager Paul Kelly says the last three piles for the wharf deck were successfully driven last week.  A total of almost 4 kilometres of piles were driven as part […]

Moving East: Te Awaparahi Bay reclamation update

The first 10 hectares of the reclamation is complete, and great progress has been made on this second stage, creating an additional 6 hectares. LPC Infrastructure Manager Mike Simmers says to date, over 795,000 tonnes of fill from our Gollans Bay quarry has been transported to the reclamation. “Over 348,000 m³ of dredged material from […]

Cruise berth features rock bag engineering

Over 2,000 rock bags holding over 8,000 tonnes of stone are being used in the construction of our cruise berth, the first time this effective engineering solution will be used in New Zealand. LPC Infrastructure Manager Mike Simmers says over 1,000 rock bags have already been successfully placed underwater to provide scour protection to the […]

Maintenance Dredging in Lyttelton

You may spot the Dutch dredge Albatros working around Lyttelton Harbour, which is here as part of an 11-week maintenance dredging campaign. The Albatros, operated by Dutch Dredging, is a trailer suction hopper dredge and carrying out dredging work in the main Lyttelton channel, along Cashin Quay and in the Inner Harbour. The Albatros is removing the naturally accumulating sediment […]

Oil Berth update November

We’re making great progress to repair and strengthen LPC’s oil berth. The berth was badly damaged during the Christchurch earthquakes, and work to strengthen the berth is underway and will be completed by mid-2020. Fulton Hogan is the contractor working onsite, and they will soon start repairs to the western bollard of the oil berth […]

Oil Berth update

We’re undertaking repair and strengthening work on our oil berth, extending the longevity of this vital resource for Canterbury. The oil berth was badly damaged during the Christchurch earthquakes. Work to strengthen the berth is underway and will be complete by mid-2020. Some of the construction activities require the berth to be closed from October […]

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