Marine piling for cruise berth about to begin

With marine piling on the cruise berth project starting soon, we have finalised our Marine Mammal Management Plan (MMMP). This plan sets out how Lyttelton Port Company and the contractor involved will manage potential noise effects on marine mammals, particularly Hector’s Dolphins. The plan is a result of a collaboration with some of New Zealand’s […]

Farewell Fairway

For the past 12 weeks, the Fairway has been hard at work dredging to make the shipping channel deeper, wider and longer. The Fairway finished work on Saturday afternoon and left Lyttelton bound for Singapore. There is still some minor levelling of the channel to do, so you will see the sweep tug, Capricorn Alpha, working […]

Fourth generation Captain’s love of the sea

Working at sea is in Captain Ton van Oosten’s blood. He is the Captain of the dredge Fairway. Not only is he proud to be a fourth generation captain in his family, he’s spent more of his life on the water than on land. From the small fishing village of IJmuiden in the Netherlands, Captain […]

Lyttelton local reflects on time on Fairway

One of the Fairway’s pipe and crane operators was Lyttelton local, Ihaia Hascha, who couldn’t be happier to have had the opportunity to work so close to home, after spending large parts of his life at sea. “My dad was a seaman and so were his brothers. My mum also had two brothers who went […]

Cooking up a storm in the galley

Stuart Ratlidge has spent the past decade cooking up meals across the world – all from the galley of a ship. The Whakatane local is the second cook of the Fairway, and lives onboard for weeks at a time, as he helps prepare three meals a day for a crew of 33. It’s no easy […]

Where is the Fairway?

As some of you may have noticed, the Fairway is not around today! Late yesterday she headed off to Wellington to refuel. All going well, she will be back dredging tomorrow.

What’s this tug up to?

The yellow tug working around the Harbour is the Capricorn Alpha tug. The tug is a ‘sweep tug’ and is working on the Channel Deepening Project. The tug tows a large blade along the sea floor to even out the troughs and humps left by the Fairway. She also helps scrape off the shallower parts […]

Working to keep seabirds safe during cruise berth construction

Netting has been put in place at the end of the cruise berth site to ensure seabirds don’t get too close to the construction works. Following advice from wildlife experts, we have installed fences and netting to discourage the birds from nesting there, as construction in this area will shortly get underway. We’ve kept watch […]

The Fairway heads to Wellington to refuel

After two weeks of dredging, the Fairway needs to top up her fuel tanks. That requires a trip up to Wellington, so she’ll be away for a few days (it takes a long time to fill her tanks!). We hope to see the Fairway back on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning.

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