Our People: How data can make or break a marine pilot


What is data analysis, and why does it matter

Data analysis is collecting, processing, and interpreting information from various sources.

For marine pilots, data analysis can provide valuable insights into their performance, safety, and efficiency.

However, data analysis can also pose challenges and risks, depending on how it is used and by whom.

How does LPC use data analysis

LPC has subscribed to a data analyst system that can track and evaluate every transit that our pilots make.

This system can help us identify areas of improvement, best practices, and potential hazards.

It can also help us communicate better with our clients, regulators, and stakeholders.

However, data analysis can also be a double-edged sword if it is used to penalise or criticise pilots without considering the context and circumstances of each transit.

LPC Pilot Matt Conyers to attend an international congress

Matt Conyers, LPC Marine Pilot and Vice President of the New Zealand Maritime Pilots’ Association, will present his article “Data Analysis—Carrot or Stick a Marine Pilot’s Experience” at the International Maritime Pilots’ Association Congress in Rotterdam this week.

The congress is a biennial event that brings together pilot associations and stakeholders from around the world to exchange ideas and promote safety in pilotage.

Matt’s article explores how data analysis can be used as a tool for improvement or a weapon against practitioners.

He will share his experiences with software, practical evidence, and advice on balancing the benefits and risks of data analysis in an organisation.

Matt has spoken at conferences in New Zealand and Australia, but this will be his first time speaking to a global audience.

Matt and Paul James, LPC Pilot and President of the NZMPA, will attend the congress and meet pilots and people from across the world.

They will learn from their peers, share their perspectives, and network with potential partners.

They will also gain exposure and recognition for LPC and NZMPA and showcase our achievements and challenges.

The congress is a great opportunity for LPC and NZMPA to join the global pilotage community and contribute to its development and innovation.

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