Community: Environment: Our People: LPC finalist in World Port Sustainability Awards

Lyttelton Port Company is a finalist in the prestigious International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) 2024 Sustainability Awards.

LPC has made significant progress in the Port Saddle Ecological Restoration Project with the Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust (BPCT) and garnered international recognition

Seven years of on-site restoration activities by LPC staff and locals, including invasive weed and pest control and native planting has achieved measurable positive outcomes on the ground, particularly in supporting native bird species.

The increasing presence of bush and plantings has led to more sightings of keruru/ wood pigeon and korimako/bellbirds in Lyttelton, while the creation of suitable habitats and the provision of food sources have contributed to the growth and sustainability of these bird populations. Additionally, the restoration efforts have attracted the return of the tui, absent from the area for 40 years.

You can vote for LPC Port Saddle here. Voting closes Friday, 13 September 2024.

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