
We do not have Queensland Fruit Fly in New Zealand and want to keep it that way.


  • Adult flies are 6mm to 8mm long (a little larger than a house fly).
  • Are reddish-brown with distinct yellow markings and have clear wings.
  • The female fly has a pointed “sting” (its ovipositor) at the end of her body.
  • We’re most at risk from this pest during the Australian growing season (New zealand’s summer months).


The adult fly lays its eggs in fruit and vegetables. When the maggots hatch they eat the they eat the fruit and vegetables, causing it to rot.

How it spreads

Queensland Fruit Fly could only get to New Zealand in fruit infested with eggs or maggots. Biosecurity New Zealand has strict measures in place to limit the chances of the fly establishing in New Zealand.

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