Environment: Protecting our border from pests: Red Imported Fire Ant
Red imported fire ants in many sizes. Image: Creative Commons Flickr.
Red imported fire ants in many sizes. Image: Creative Commons Flickr.

The Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) worker ants vary greatly in size, ranging from 2mm to 6mm long. Mostly, the RIFA builds nests in the open. The nest looks like a raised mound of soil, up to 40cm high and 46cm wide. No ants in New Zealand build nests like these. These mounds can damage farm and garden machinery.

Global distribution of red imported fire ant.
Global distribution of red imported fire ant.

How could it get here?

The RIFA is a hitchhiker species. They only need enough room for a queen and a few workers. They can hide in vehicles, shipping containers, machinery, anything with a crevice.

MPI has strict measures in place to limit the chances of RIFA making it through the border.

How to identify the RIFA

The first thing you are likely to see are the mounds made by the ants. Currently, no ant species in New Zealand build large mounds.

  • The ants are reddish-brown.
  • Worker ants range in size from 2mm to 6mm.
  • Males are about 6mm long.
  • Queens are about 8mm to 10mm long (not pictured).

They are aggressive and, unlike native ants, will swarm towards anyone or anything that disturbs their nest. They move quickly, particularly when it’s warm.

Found red imported fire ants?

If you think you’ve found a fire ant mound:

  • photograph it (and any ants)
  • collect a sample of ants (only if it’s safe to do so, do not disturb a nest)
  • call 0800 80 99 66


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